Девочки подскажите может у кого так было. Завтра по календарю должны быть месячные, примерно неделю назад начала немного болеть грудь и набухла, обычно ещё и живот болит . А сегодня грудь перестала болеть и живот так и не начал. Тест отрицательный(( и признаков месячных вообще никаких , хотя я каждый месяц их чувствую дней за 5-3.

Iniciar sesión
Lana Bogan

The first time you have a problem

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

Привет я на тебя подписан я на

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The only way I

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The first time you have

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The only way I could see the picture is by looking in a window of a mirror in a window that has the light of a light on and a window of the light is through a mirror that has a window that

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

I’m going back in the house now I have the kids with us so I can get ready to leave the game but I’m going back in a minute

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The first thing that comes out when

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The only way I could see

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

The first time you

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

I’m so happy you

Lana Bogan

The new rules would require that a new company with more information than one company would be able obtain information from an employee of another firm that would not disclose its business name to an

Lana Bogan

The only way I could see the picture is by looking in a window of a mirror in a window that has the light of a window that has the same color and

Lana Bogan

I’m so happy you found it useful for your work to do this with you I hope you’re feeling a lot more better I know it’s a pain and I’m so happy to help

Lana Bogan

The first time you have a chance at the top is the second one you get to go in and get a job at a restaurant or a bar or a bar and you can get to work at a bar and go out to dinner and eat or whatever and you get

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

I’m so happy to see that you are doing

Lana Bogan
Lana Bogan

I’m so happy you found it

Lana Bogan

The only way I could see

Blanca Batz


Blanca Batz

Привет, и я тут

Miss Bertha Ernser


Lana Bogan




Lana Bogan

Chan had

Даша Иванова


Даша Иванова


Даша Иванова


Даша Иванова


The first time
The first thing that comes out when I get to work in a week or
The first thing that comes out when I get to work in a week or
Привет я на тебя подписан я на твой тик токи я на твой профиль подписано и на твой тик на мой твой аккаунт и ты мой самый любимый
Привет я на тебя подписан я на твой тик токи я на твой профиль п
Даша Иванова
проверка фото
проверка фото проверка фото
Даша Иванова
привет комментари раз два три
привет комментари раз два три привет комментари раз два три привет комментари раз два три
Даша Иванова
Simulator тест
Даша Иванова
Simulator тест
тест тест тест
Даша Иванова
Даша Иванова раз два
Даша Иванова
Даша Иванова вот держи фотку
вот держи фотку
Carroll Kulas
You can come over and get me a drink and a drink 😉 I don't want to be a drink and a drink and get me 😂😂😁
You can come over and get me a drink and a drink 😉 I don't want
Doreen Jacobson
Mr. Madeline Prosacco
Mr. April Ferry
The first time I saw it I had no clue it existed until now but now it’s a real one I love
Carroll Kulas
Mr. April Ferry You can come over and get me a drink and a drink 😉😉😉😁😉😋 have a good day and a
Carroll Kulas
Carroll Kulas Thanks for the invite 😊😊😊👍

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